{Review & Giveaway} Mr. & Mrs. Love Collection by DaySpring
First, the legal stuff: In accordance with FTC requirements, I am disclosing that DaySpring gave me these products for review and all opinions contained in this review are my own.The Collection:
I love the products that DaySpring.com has to offer - beautiful, quality items for your home with a Christian message. I was really excited to find the Mr. & Mrs. Collection on their Dayspring website. With February being the month of love, I really wanted to review these items with my husband.
- Mr. mug
- Mrs. mug
- Mr. & Mrs. journal
- Mr. & Mrs Coupon book
- Love gift bag

(Note - They were out of the journals so the sticky notes were sent instead. To tell the truth, I actually prefer the sticky notes. My husband doesn't write in journals, but the sticky notes have potential.)
My Thoughts:
The mugs are awesome. They are elegantly crafted and colored with red, black and white - colors that me and my husband can both appreciate. The most endearing part of the mugs are the scripture on inside rim and heart in the bottom of the cup. I can see us snuggling up with some warm drinks and our matching mugs
The sticky notes' theme of love revolves around 2 Corinthians 6:11 TLB - "I love you with all my heart." There are 8 sets of unique sticky notes, with 25 sheets of each note. These could be used for a note to any of your loved ones.
The coupon book has 32 coupons. One side of the coupon has an act of service and a scripture on the other side. This was a nice feature since most couples coupons books do not have any biblical feature to them. These were very balanced in that both me and my husband would use these. Not too mushy.
The gift bag is the final piece. It's coated paper, rope handles and colors keep in line with the style of the Mr. & Mrs. collection IT was a medium sized bag, perfectly holding the collection.
Overall, I LOVE these items. They would make a great gift to your spouse, married friends and love ones, newlyweds, and those celebrating anniversaries. Be sure to check out the full collection here.