New Year, Simple Changes

by - Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This new year has brought many changes for my family already. A few days into the year, we have had a new addition in our immediate family and I have begun changes to help make my family's lives healither. I have begun a healthier lifestyle campaign for me, my husband, and our daughter. 

Changes begin with one person, and as the mother, wife, primary shopper and chef of the Stephens residence, I have made it my priority to make sure that we are eating healthier, even if it is just a little bit healthier than last year. You have to start somewhere!

Breakfasts - I am not a morning person and as a result, often skip breakfast. That is not a good practice for myself, nor a good example for my young daughter. Since the new year began I have been making the extra effort to eat and drink something nutritious for breakfast. I have invested in some oatmeal, breakfast drinks fortitfied with vitamins, fiber cereals and 100% juice. My daughter will often want to try what I am having so this is a great way to introduce healthy food choices to her.

Lunch - I am a fast food type of person during lunch. If I can not make it to the fast food restuatant, the next best thing is a frozen meal, ost of which as we know are very unhealthy. All of those days are out the door and have been replaced with tuna and healthy salad options. This gets a little tricky with my husband and daughter since he is gone during the day and she is very picky. When he is home I will make tuna for him as well, but the little one is still a little on the fence. It is a work in progress.

Dinner - As a southern family, we love anything that is buttered, smothered or fried all of which can be terribly unhealthy. I was happy to find a grill pan on sale today and purchased it in order to cut back of the need to fry. Grilled can be equally flavorful while being super healthy. I have also began to make sure I cover most of the food groups in our dinners. It used to just be a meat and veggie OR starch, which worked for us when we were in college (and could eat just about anything) but now we need to be at the top of our health. I am currently on the look out for more nutritious ways to cook our favorite meals!

I have also been working out, which my daughter tries to imitate sometimes. I love the feeling of being a good example for her. What simple change have you made in your life this year?
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Simply Orange® blogging program. If I am one of the first 65 blogs received by SocialsMoms, I will receive a $25 Target gift card and a gift pack that includes a Simply Orange® cooler bag and logoed fleece.

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