We are on Facebook!!

by - Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase

Hello everyone! Just a little note to let you know that Young Wife and Mom has its own Facebook page. Right now we have just a random url but as soon as we reach 50 followers I will be able to change it to something more memorable! 

Please "Like" the new fanpage the next time you're on Facebook and be sure to let your friends in on all the great deals. 

Similar to the Twitter page, the Facebook page will give you faster info on freebies and deals - AS THEY HAPPEN!! 

We also are a part of the Networked Blogs application on Facebook. If you're not familiar with it, Networked Blogs is like an RSS feed of blogs. You can subscribe to as many or few as you want. It allows you to vote for certain posts and recommends other blogs based on those you're friends are following.

Stay tuned for more exciting info including a special giveaway!

Go here for the Young Wife and Mom's Facebook page (or click the badge on the sidebar)
Go here for the Networked Blogs page.

See you there!

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