Thursday Thought: There Goes My Baby!
Image via Wikipedia
It's hard to believe that my little one is 13 months old.
I recently installed a slide show program on my computer and it has been scrolling all my daughter's baby pictures since the ultrasound. With every picture she's bigger and bigger. She'll never be that small again. I miss it...but I'm also loving the little lady she's growing into.
The other day she ran into my arms and gave me a baby kiss. It was so sweet. She tried to bite me a few seconds later but the thought was cute. When she gets tired she climbs into my lap and lay back. She runs, dances, claps, laughs and has a mind of her own. Everyday is an adventure for her (and me!) She's learning new words and works hard to express herself using them.
I find myself looking at the old photos, then looking back to my daughter playing and thinking "there goes my baby..."