Freebie Friday and Follow for 9/17

Welcome everyone to another week of the best freebies and deals available to us this week. This week includes samples, magazines, coupons and more.
- Samples of Crest Clinical, Playtex, Emergen-C and others from Walmart here.
- Wisk sample and others from Costco here. Some don't require a membership #.
- Cold-Eeze sample here.
- Covergirl Simply Ageless Primer sample here. (Note: If you have ordered anything through P&G Brandsampler this quarter, you won't qualify for this sample.)
- Share your traditions with Nestle and win a box of Maggi 8ct buillion here (first 4,000.)
- Children's Car Seat ID Tag for new/expectant moms from My Precious Kid here.
- Three month Amazon Prime membership for Moms here. (Not as good as the student prime membership but great if you didn’t qualify for that one)
- Organizational printables including a Christmas planner here.
- Cute downloadable wallpaper for your phone from Victoria's Secret here.
- Vintage audio, pictures, sheet music and story downloads here.
- "Mini E-book of Gifts in a Jar Recipes and Ideas" from Rose at I'm a Frugal Gal
- "12 Thrifty Trash to Treasure Crafts" ebook here. When the email subscription pops ups, click the close button on the top left. You do not have to sign up for anything to get this.
- Several complimentary magazine titles such as Cosmo, Seventeen, and BabyTalk here.
- 2010 Red Robin Kids Cookoff ebook download here.
- Pampered Chef Celebrity Cookbook download here.
- Barilla Celebrity Pasta Lovers Cookbook here. Right side of page.
- Printable coupon for Free Portraits at Olan Mills here.
- Printable coupon for Free Expressions Montage at Sears here.
- 20 free 48 photo cards from Snapfish using code 'BABIES' at checkout. You can make personalized Christmas cards for under $7 shipped!
- Free Museum day tickets and discounts: Read my post here to find out how to get your tickets free for September 25th, and be sure to call your participating museum for discounted show information for that day. I can get $16 tickets for $8!
Thanks for stopping by and reading today's post. Hope you'll stay a while and enter my new monthly "Mommy of the Month" contest. Also, check out the Facebook Fan page here to get faster freebies and deals AS they become available.