Free Suze Orman "5 Simple Ways to Save $500" download
In the Sunday paper, I saw this advertisement for Suze Orman's new website "Money Minded Moms." Suze Orman is without a doubt one of my favorite television personalities. I guess what I like most about her show in particular is the fact that she gives it to you straight when it comes to your finances - things that your banker, policy agent, etc may neglect to tell you in terms of saving money and investing in your future. In my opinion, unlike most tv personalities Suze is genuinely concerned with the financial decsions made by her viewers, especially her female audience.
She has created a new website dedicated to moms becoming smarter with thier money that includes tools to:
calculate debt elimination
track expenses
calculate possible monthly savings
calculate investment performance
calculate mortgage refinancing
As well as a tab to print COUPONS!! So you know these are worth printing! There is also a video section. Be sure to scroll down and check out her video message to Moms (from May 8th) which I found to be very inspiring!
To get your free PDF download of "5 Simple Ways to Save $500" go to MoneyMindedMoms Newsletter, sign up for the newsletter, and click the download button. Be sure to save your book after downloading. Hope you enjoy!