In my mailbox today...
I'm very excited about my freebies today! Things like these make it worth the search:
- Busy Moms Devotional Bible by Zondervan (requires review but worth it!)
- 8x10 Photo Collage from Walgreens (shipped for free too!)
- Kashi Warm Cinnamon Cereal sample from Vocalpoint
- Tea Sample 2pk from Yogi (was NOT expecting a second one : ))
- Coupon for Free High Liner Sea Cuisine Product
My absolute favorite out of these has to be the Bible.My last one was damaged by water and I never got around to buying another. The other one had such sentimental value (a high school graduation present from my youth group leader in church) and I guess that I felt like I was betraying that bible by buying another (I know its silly.) I found out about this freebies on Twitter. If you don't have a twitter, I suggest that you think about giving it a try. I used to think it was a silly idea but I tried it (just to get the scoop on all the latest freebies.) These tweets are often posted as soon as the freebie is found so you're almost certain to get in the freebies as they are released. Feel free to check me out on Twitter (curlygurl87) and have a look at the people I am following and your certain to come away with some great stuff!