M.O.M. Wall of Fame
Welcome to the Mommy of the Month Wall of Fame. These ladies work very hard for their families and have earned a permanent spot on our blog and right to post this badge on their blog:

February 2011 Winner
I highlight a princess of the month through my website. I would love to be featured. I am a children's author. My main character is inspired by my real daughter Zaria. I am a mommy blogger and literary publicist. I will begin vlogging in 2011.

January 2011 Winner
This month's featured mommy is Sami from The Life of a Wife and Mom.
Bio: My name is Samantha but I go by Sami more. I am 32, Married to Rick for 13 years. I am a stay at home mom of 3. Richard is 12 and in the 7th Grade. Christianna is 10 and in the 4th grade. Diana is 5 and in Kindergarden. I am an Army Wife and damn proud of it. I have survived 3 deployments, endless field training and schools. We have lost 2 good friends during the last 2 deployments. Right now our travels bring us to Oklahoma. Rick is a Drill Sergeant. Long hours, 6-7 days a week but I don't mind.
I am a PSPer. I have been designing for about 11 years now. It has gotten me through all the deployments and the schools. I also make Scrap Kits, Posers and Write tutorials. I have been doing so for about a year and a half now. I love it. It keeps creativity flowing. I also design blog layouts and have been working on learning how to make websites.
Bio: I am a busy "momma" to 6 kids. Five of them are girls and I have one boy who's boyness makes up for the lack of other boys. I do have one set of twins in the mix. They came 16 months after my first daughter was born. I had all of my children within 10 years. I am passionate about helping new moms. There are so many helpful things that a new mom can learn from an experienced mom who has been there and done it. I also have a love for photography, baking, cooking, reading and crafting. I don't have lots

November 2010 Winner
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.

Bio: I'm a 33yr old single mother of 4. I love to spend quality time with my children who are my everything! I love blogging and entering many giveaways. Couponing is a must as its a way to save a dollar. I'm always reading and willing to learn many new things.
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.
February 2011 Winner
This month's winner is Cheryl from The Real Princess Zaria and Mommy Blog.
I highlight a princess of the month through my website. I would love to be featured. I am a children's author. My main character is inspired by my real daughter Zaria. I am a mommy blogger and literary publicist. I will begin vlogging in 2011.
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.

January 2011 Winner
This month's featured mommy is Sami from The Life of a Wife and Mom.

I am a PSPer. I have been designing for about 11 years now. It has gotten me through all the deployments and the schools. I also make Scrap Kits, Posers and Write tutorials. I have been doing so for about a year and a half now. I love it. It keeps creativity flowing. I also design blog layouts and have been working on learning how to make websites.
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.
of time for these things these days but I hope to
get back to them when things aren't so busy.
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.

November 2010 Winner
This month's featured mommy is Jenn from The New Deal Daily.
Bio: Hi! I'm Jenn, 28 years old, a wife and mom to my rambunctious little boy, Jackson who is 5 years old. We are also expecting a daughter via International Adoption from Rwanda! I live a crazy life - I'm a part time mentor for kids in the foster care system, part time substitute teacher, and full time Mommy! I write a blog at www.thenewdealdaily.com and I love to meet knew people and find great deals!

October 2010 Winner
This month's featured mommy is Shannon from Shannon's Tales of Motherhood.
Wanna know more about this great mom, view her interview with me here.